Duke Family Medicine PHP SMA

Personalized Health Planning in Shared Medical Appointments for Individuals with Type II Diabetes – Pilot Study and Implementation Manual

Pilot Study

People sitting in circle

Center for Research on Personalized Health Care researchers Caroline Meade, Connor Drake, and Dr. Ralph Snyderman worked with Dr. Sharon Hull and the Duke Family Medicine Center to pilot Personalized Health Planning Shared Medical Appointments.

This project examined feasibility of implementing an evidence-based patient engagement strategy, known as personalized health planning (PHP), in the context of a shared medical appointment (SMA) for individuals with type II diabetes. We also collected preliminary efficacy and cost effectiveness data on this specific approach to shared medical appointments.

A PHP SMA was held and compared to the standard diabetes SMA that was being offered at Duke Family Medicine Center. The pilot work helped further elucidate the mechanisms by which the personalized health planning process can be customized for implementation in a group-based model of care. 

AAMC award graphic

This work was partially funded by the American Association of Medical Colleges’ Clinical Care Innovation Pilot Awards for 2016. The Clinical Care Innovation (CCI) Awards recognize and support the efforts of teaching hospitals and academic medical centers in advancing care delivery and improving quality through the integration of education and research.