The first East Coast Precision Medicine World Conference, the 12th PMWC, will be hosted at Duke University on May 24-25. The conference is co-chaired by Dr. Ralph Snyderman, Chancellor Emeritus, Duke University, and Dr. Geoff Ginsburg, Director of the Duke Center for Applied Genomics & Precision Medicine. The main focus of the conference is “translating the power of precision technologies into better health care.” Click here for a note from the conference co-chairs.

The conference will center around topics related to data science to advance precision medicine, the importance of patient engagement, the impact of technology to drive genomics and medical practice, updates on data and regulatory policies, metabolomics in precision medicine, the emergence of single cell genomics, monitoring infectious disease, an update on the PMI, mobile health and how it is changing healthcare, liquid biopsy, the microbiome, and much more – for more information see the developing themes. Major speakers for the conference include Robert M. Califf, Francis S. Collins, Mark Levin, Chris Cournoyer, Kathy Giusti, Richard Klausner, Keith R. Yamamoto, and Janet Woodcock.

There is still time to register, so we hope to see you at PMWC DUKE in May!